How “Burning” Began

Welcome to the official blog for the short film “Burning”!

“Burning” was first conceived back in October of 2014.

Rebecca, a Harvard grad and local filmmaker, was feeling antsy; she hadn’t made a film of her own in a few months, and she was having withdrawals. She liked the freelance work she was doing, shooting and editing commercial-style and educational videos, Kickstarter campaigns, and theater promotions, but she missed working on something she had created from scratch.

So she approached Richard, a long-time friend, designer, and digital artist, who had helped out on her film from that summer, Sustainable Happiness.

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She was very excited, but what would they make a film about?

Because it was 2014, they took advantage of Google Drive and started brainstorming. Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 1.39.24 PM

All they knew at first was that they wanted it to be a drama that somehow addressed love, loss, and mostly importantly, betrayal. Here’s a glimpse of what that looked like.
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Five days later, they had their first draft.
